At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany was welcomed and satisfaction with the very good and friendly relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany was expressed, which were confirmed by the intensity of high-level visits.
The continual and strong support of Germany to Bosnia and Herzegovina was expressed, as well as the active commitment to keep Bosnia and Herzegovina on the EU’s priority agenda, and Germany’s support would be continued at the bilateral and multilateral level.
The interlocutors agreed that it was of great importance to maintain the focus and constructive engagement of Germany in supporting the reform and integration path of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It was said that Germany stood firmly on its position and on already established position regarding the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and amendments to the Election Law, democratic principles and rule of law, and the new German government fully continued the policy of support and engagement towards Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There was also talk of economic cooperation, where it was said that the priority sectors for German economic cooperation and investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina were energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
The topic of the meeting was also the economic perspective for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany’s support to this sector.
The meeting was also attended by the Special Envoy of the German Government for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.