The President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, has attended today in Banja Luka the marking of May 9 - the Day of Victory over Fascism.
The President of the Republic highlighted that the Republic of Srpska marked and celebrated two days of victory, namely May 9 and January 9.
The President Cvijanović said that the Republic of Srpska had been created and defended so that the suffering from the Second World War would never happen again.
“The day when the Republic of Srpska was founded is the day of victory over the revived and never completely defeated fascism. We did not allow them to finish what they had started five decades earlier. Thanks to the Republic of Srpska, we have stayed and survived on our hearths.
It is our obligation to preserve it for generations to come. We want their future to be less burdensome than our past. To be on their own and to live together with others in peace and freedom”, said the President Cvijanović.
The President of the Republic of Srpska emphasized that the Serb people rose up against Nazism and fascism when the most expensive price was paid for it.
“We are still standing today, always ready to resist the ideologies of evil from the past, but also from the present. As every year, we are standing proudly this May 9, with our heads held high, celebrating freedom and remembering those who gave us that freedom”, said the President Cvijanović.
The President of Srpska added that the Republic of Srpska was marking the Day of Victory over Fascism today, showing great respect for the brave liberators and courageous people who had risen up against the evil that had threatened all mankind.
“We remember those who said 'no' to Hitler at a time when the entire Europe was suffocating under the Nazi boot. We stand proudly, because we did not greet the Wehrmacht and the SS troops with songs, flowers and applause on the streets and squares.
We are also proud because we have been on the right and just side of history from the beginning.
We did not wait for the outcome to join the winners, but we fought against what we unmistakably knew to be evil. Those who did, today easily share the labels of fascism, because they did not even feel its eerie edge”, said the President Cvijanović.
Unfortunately, the President of the Republic stated, there were those who continued to try to mask the extent of the damage and suffering that this dark ideology had inflicted on the human race.
“It is all the greater our national and civilizational duty to resolutely oppose all forms of historical revisionism. We have clearly expressed our organic opposition to the ideology of evil through two anti-fascist movements. We have laid hundreds of thousands of lives on the altar of free humanity. We didn’t ask for a price, even though it was horrible. Today we stand proudly because of our sanctuary – the Republic of Srpska. Long live freedom, long live the Republic of Srpska”, emphasized the President Cvijanović.
Before the address of officials at the marking of the Day of Victory over Fascism in the Second World War, a march of the “Immortal Regiment” was held in Banja Luka and wreaths were laid at the memorials.