Today, the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik emphasized that Srpska is stable, offers opportunities for development, and demonstrates determination to build its life on traditional principles.

“We want to develop our society based on our national interests. Cooperation with Hungary is not directed against anyone”, the President Dodik said at the opening of the Business Forum in Banja Luka, which gathered over 100 companies, more than 20 of which were from Hungary.

The President of the Republic highlighted that the Republic of Srpska offers a range of opportunities, including cheap electricity.

“No entrepreneur from Hungary is our competitor, but a good partner for designing all business activities”, added the President Dodik.

The President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik stated today in Banja Luka that Hungarian entrepreneurs are good partners for development and business planning with entrepreneurs from Srpska.

“I am pleased that entrepreneurs from Hungary today have the opportunity to learn more about the Republic of Srpska and base their business decisions on that”, the President Dodik said at the opening of the Business Forum, which brought together more than 100 companies, more than 20 of them from Hungary.

The President of Srpska emphasized that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is consistently working on improving relations between his country and the Republic of Srpska.

“Hungary is a country that has supported our path towards Europe. The Republic of Srpska supports the path of BiH and this region towards the EU. We want to be visible on this path and preserve institutional capacity for those who will participate from the standpoint of their interests”, the President Dodik added.

According to the President of the Republic, this stance is not against anything.

“Entrepreneurs will be enabled to realize business deals and agreements as quickly as possible. The Republic of Srpska can offer wind and electric energy to those who want to develop real production”, said the President Dodik.

Предсједник Републике навео је да сваки мађарски привредник има посебне услове у Републици Српској.

„Привредницима ће бити омогућено да најбрже могуће дође до реализације послова и споразума. Република Српска може понудити вјетро и електричну енергију онима који желе да развијају реалну производњу“, каже предсједник Додик.

The President of the Republic mentioned that Srpska is ready to discuss long-term electricity supply agreements.

“We want to stimulate you, and the Republic of Srpska has a 10% corporate profit tax, no income tax. After paying the corporate profit tax, entrepreneurs can freely dispose of the remaining profit. We will not change this policy, and with a series of stimulative measures we can offer, do not hesitate to start your business here”, the President Milorad Dodik concluded.

The President of the Republic of Srpska stated that entrepreneurs from Srpska and Hungary should find the best models of cooperation.